Monthly Revenues

Brand Monthly Sales
  • Year 2024
  • Year 2023
  • Year 2022
  • Year 2021
  • Year 2020
NTD: million
Month 2024
Jan 34,110
Feb 33,204
Mar 46,792
Apr 38,685
May 42,004
Jun 55,523
Jul 44,003
Aug 53,903
Year To Date 348,224
Month 2023
Jan 24,408
Feb 32,075
Mar 45,892
Apr 28,375
May 33,795
Jun 45,318
Jul 34,829
Aug 45,763
Year To Date 290,455
Month MOM
Jan +6%
Feb -3%
Mar +41%
Apr -17%
May +9%
Jun +32%
Jul -21%
Aug +23%
Year To Date
Month YOY
Jan +40%
Feb +4%
Mar +2%
Apr +36%
May +24%
Jun +23%
Jul +26%
Aug +18%
Year To Date +20%
NTD: million
Month 2024 2023 MoM YoY
Jan 34,110 24,408 +6% +40%
Feb 33,204 32,075 -3% +4%
Mar 46,792 45,892 +41% +2%
Apr 38,685 28,375 -17% +36%
May 42,004 33,795 +9% +24%
Jun 55,523 45,318 +32% +23%
Jul 44,003 34,829 -21% +26%
Aug 53,903 45,763 +23% +18%
Year To Date 348,224 290,455 +20%
Group Consolidated Monthly Sales
  • Year 2024
  • Year 2023
  • Year 2022
  • Year 2021
  • Year 2020
NTD: million
Month 2024
Jan 36,667
Feb 35,300
Mar 49,735
Apr 41,623
May 44,823
Jun 58,412
Jul 47,329
Aug 57,140
Year To Date 371,030
Month 2023
Jan 27,294
Feb 34,854
Mar 49,250
Apr 31,304
May 36,316
Jun 48,083
Jul 37,565
Aug 48,616
Year To Date 313,282
Month MOM
Jan +2%
Feb -4%
Mar +41%
Apr -16%
May +8%
Jun +30%
Jul -19%
Aug +21%
Year To Date
Month YOY
Jan +34%
Feb +1%
Mar +1%
Apr +33%
May +23%
Jun +22%
Jul +26%
Aug +18%
Year To Date +18%
NTD: million
Month 2024 2023 MoM YoY
Jan 36,667 27,294 +2% +34%
Feb 35,300 34,854 -4% +1%
Mar 49,735 49,250 +41% +1%
Apr 41,623 31,304 -16% +33%
May 44,823 36,316 +8% +23%
Jun 58,412 48,083 +30% +22%
Aug 57,140 48,616 +21% +18%
Year To Date 371,030 313,282 +18%

The disclosure format of monthly sales in accordance with regulation and company organization.

  • 2019~2020** Group Consolidated Sales, Brand Consolidated Sales (Excluding revenue from discontinued operation)
  • 2014 * Group Consolidated Sales (Brand and non-brand business), Brand Consolidated Sales
  • 2013 Group Consolidated Sales (Brand and non-brand business)
  • 2008~2012 Parent Company Sales (Revenue of ASUSTeK Computer, excluding sales from overseas subsidiaries)
  • 2005~2007 Group Consolidated Sales (Brand, non-brand, and ODM business)

* The latest quarter financials and brand financial information are unaudited.

** As the company decided to execute a transformation of the smartphone business.
The revenue from discontinued operations (previous smartphone models) will be excluded from monthly revenue report starting Jan., 2019.