Monthly Revenues

Brand Monthly Sales
  • Year 2024
  • Year 2023
  • Year 2022
  • Year 2021
  • Year 2020
NTD: million
Month 2021
Jan 33,686
Feb 31,289
Mar 43,129
Apr 36,502
May 38,582
Jun 45,186<
Jul 34,389
Aug 42,456
Sep 53,247
Oct 41,678
Nov 51,867
Dec 48,016
Year To Date 500,027
Month 2020
Jan 20,491
Feb 18,885
Mar 23,345
Apr 20,041
May 27,488
Jun 36,556
Jul 34,614
Aug 40,308
Sep 43,684
Oct 36,668
Nov 36,634
Dec 39,412
Year To Date 378,125
Month MOM
Jan -15%
Feb -7%
Mar +38%
Apr -15%
May +6%
Jun +17%
Jul -24%
Aug +23%
Sep +25%
Oct -22%
Nov +24%
Dec -7%
Year To Date
Month YOY
Jan +64%
Feb +66%
Mar +85%
Apr +82%
May +40%
Jun +24%
Jul -1%
Aug +5%
Sep +22%
Oct +14%
Nov +42%
Dec +22%
Year To Date +32%
NTD: million
Month 2021 2020 MoM YoY
Jan 33,686 20,491 -15% +64%
Feb 31,289 18,885 -7% +66%
Mar 43,129 23,345 +38% +85%
Apr 36,502 20,041 -15% +82%
May 38,582 27,488 +6% +40%
Jun 45,186 36,556 +17% +24%
Jul 34,389 34,614 -24% -1%
Aug 42,456 40,308 +23% +5%
Sep 53,247 43,684 +25% +22%
Oct 41,678 36,668 -22% +14%
Nov 51,867 36,634 +24% +42%
Dec 48,016 39,412 -7% +22%
Year To Date 500,027 378,125 +32%
Group Consolidated Monthly Sales
  • Year 2024
  • Year 2023
  • Year 2022
  • Year 2021
  • Year 2020
NTD: million
Month 2021
Jan 36,725
Feb 33,536
Mar 45,902
Apr 39,139
May 40,995
Jun 47,946
Jul 37,574
Aug 45,468
Sep 56,501
Oct 44,988
Nov 55,173
Dec 51,475
Year To Date 534,972
Month 2020
Jan 23,202
Feb 21,285
Mar 26,361
Apr 22,735
May 30,171
Jun 39,368
Jul 37,141
Aug 43,240
Sep 47,042
Oct 39,603
Nov 39,749
Dec 42,971
Year To Date 412,867
Month MOM
Jan -15%
Feb -9%
Mar +37%
Apr -15%
May +5%
Jun +17%
Jul -22%
Aug +21%
Sep +23%
Oct -20%
Nov +23%
Dec -7%
Year To Date
Month YOY
Jan +58%
Feb +58%
Mar +74%
Apr +72%
May +36%
Jun +22%
Jul +1%
Aug +5%
Sep +19%
Oct +14%
Nov +20%
Year To Date +30%
NTD: million
Month 2021 2020 MoM YoY
Jan 36,725 23,202 -15% +58%
Feb 33,536 21,285 -9% +58%
Mar 45,902 26,361 +37% +74%
Apr 39,139 22,735 -15% +72%
May 40,995 30,171 +5% +36%
Jun 47,946 39,368 +17% +22%
Jul 37,574 37,141 -22% +1%
Aug 45,468 43,240 +21% +5%
Sep 56,501 47,042 +23% +19%
Oct 44,988 39,603 -20% +14%
Nov 55,173 39,749 +23% +39%
Dec 51,475 42,971 -7% +20%
Year To Date 534,972 412,867 +30%

The disclosure format of monthly sales in accordance with regulation and company organization.

  • 2019~2020** Group Consolidated Sales, Brand Consolidated Sales (Excluding revenue from discontinued operation)
  • 2014 * Group Consolidated Sales (Brand and non-brand business), Brand Consolidated Sales
  • 2013 Group Consolidated Sales (Brand and non-brand business)
  • 2008~2012 Parent Company Sales (Revenue of ASUSTeK Computer, excluding sales from overseas subsidiaries)
  • 2005~2007 Group Consolidated Sales (Brand, non-brand, and ODM business)

* The latest quarter financials and brand financial information are unaudited.

** As the company decided to execute a transformation of the smartphone business.
The revenue from discontinued operations (previous smartphone models) will be excluded from monthly revenue report starting Jan., 2019.