
Important resolutions of 2019 Annual General Meeting

1.Date of the shareholders' meeting: 108/06/18
2.Important resolutions (1)profit distribution/deficit compensation: Ackownledgement to Appropriation of 2018 earnings.
3.Important resolutions (2)amendments of the corporate charter: Approve of amendment to the “Articles of Incorporation”
4.Important resolutions (3)business report and financial statements: Acknowledgement to 2018 operation and financial reports.
5.Important resolutions (4)elections of board of directors and supervisors: Election of Directors
The list is as follows that elected:
Jonney Shih, Ted Hsu, Jonathan Tsang, S.Y. Hsu, Samson Hu, Jerry Shen, Eric Chen, Joe Hsieh, Jackie Hsu, Tze-Kaing Yang
Independent Director:
Chung-Hou Tai, Ming-Yu Lee, Chun-An Sheu
6.Important resolutions (5)other proposals: Approve of amendment to the “Procedures For Acquisition or Disposal of Assets.”
7.Any other matters that need to be specified: None