RT-AX88U 他のモデルを見つける


    • Driver & Tools
    ASUS RT-AX88U Firmware version
    67.95 MB

    Please unzip the firmware file, and then verify the checksum.
    SHA256: 1bcd3a7badf81d75ccb901b92cbf2ae7d77d15fae567509cb40f02a180b1a9d2

    1. Strengthened input validation and data processing workflows to further protect information security.
    2. Enhanced AiCloud password protection mechanisms, safeguarding against unauthorized access attempts.
    3. Enhanced device security through improved buffer handling in connection features.
    4. Refined data handling processes, ensuring secure and accurate information management.
    5. Enhanced file access control mechanisms, promoting a more secure operating environment.
    6. Strengthened certificate protection, providing enhanced data security.

    ASUS RT-AX88U Firmware version
    67.79 MB

    Rlease note :
    - Fixed command injection vulnerability.
    - Fixed the ARP poisoning vulnerability. Thanks to the contribution of Xin'an Zhou.
    - Fixed code execution in custom OVPN. Thanks to the contrubution of Jacob Baines.
    - Fixed the injection vulnerability in AiCloud.
    - Fixed stack buffer overflow in lighttpd. Special thanks to Viktor Edstrom.
    - Fixed CVE-2023-35720
    - Fixed the code execution vulnerability in AiCloud. Thanks to the contribution of chumen77.
    - Fixed the XSS and Self-reflected HTML injection vulnerability. Thanks to the contrubution of Redfox Cyber Security.
    - Fixed CVE-2024-3079 and CVE-2024-3080. Thanks to the contribution of swing from Chaitin Security Research Lab.

    *Please be advised that due to a security upgrade in AiMesh, we strongly recommend against downgrading to previous firmware versions, as this may lead to connection issues. Should you encounter any difficulties, resetting the AiMesh router to its default settings and re-establishing the mesh connection can resolve the problem.

    Please unzip the firmware file, and then verify the checksum.
    SHA256: 4783ea5ae14a94ce3d78319fdbaccb3c3e09f4e918c9787f9a6b9aa492f1ff1a

    ASUS RT-AX88U Firmware version
    67.73 MB

    Bug fixes and improvements:
    -Ensured consistent display of client status on the WireGuard server.
    -Enhanced system stability when accessing the WireGuard Server with DMZ enabled.
    -Improved stability when enabling or disabling the WireGuard server.
    -Addressed an issue that prevented clients from accessing the network when setting up the OpenVPN server in TAP mode.
    -Optimized memory utilization and fixed an occasional server error when registering DDNS with an app.
    -Corrected a bug encountered when adding a rule to the Network Services Filter.

    Security Fixes:
    -Upgraded to the latest dropbear version.
    -Fixed a stack overflow vulnerability.

    Please unzip the firmware file, and then verify the checksum.
    SHA256: f2b783d84146e8899d88fdcac0ac7a28a5dc721c4c297dc80464b7c400c7b13f

    ASUS RT-AX88U Firmware version
    67.4 MB

    New features:
    -Built-in Surfshark in VPN Fusion allows you to surf the internet anonymously and securely from anywhere by encrypting connections. Please refer to https://asus.click/SurfsharkVPN

    -iPhone/Android USB auto backup WAN allows you to connect your phone to the router’s USB port and use it as an internet source. Please refer to https://asus.click/AutobackupWAN

    -DDNS transfer allows you to transfer your ASUS DDNS hostname from your original router to the new one. Please refer to https://asus.click/ASUSDDNS

    Bug fixes and functionality modifications:
    -Resolved the issue with login and password changes.
    -Resolved the IPSec VPN connection issues.
    -Resolved the Instant Guard connection issues.
    -Fixed the issue where Traffic Analyzer sometimes couldn't record data.
    -Fixed the time display issue for the preferred upgrade time in the Auto Firmware Upgrade function.
    -Enabled DynDNS and No-IP DDNS to use IPv6.
    -Fixed AiMesh preferred AP identification in site survey results.
    -Updated timezone list for Greenland, Mexico, and Iran.
    -Allowed WireGuard Server clients to access the Samba server.
    -Resolved the issue where the USB path is not displayed on the Media Server page in the AiMesh node

    Security updates:
    -Enabled and supported ECDSA certificates for Let's Encrypt.
    -Allowed binding DDNS to a user's account to reduce the risk of MITM attacks
    -Enhanced protection for credentials.
    -Enhanced protection for OTA firmware updates.
    -Fixed CVE-2023-34359,CVE-2023-34358 Unauthenticated Denial of Service
    -Fixed CVE-2023-34360 Stored XSS
    -Fixed DoS vulnerabilities in firewall configuration pages.
    -Fixed DoS vulerabilities in httpd.
    -Fixed information disclosure vulnerability.
    -Fixed CVE-2023-28702 and CVE-2023-28703.
    -Fixed null pointer dereference vulnerabilities.
    -Fixed the cfg server vulnerability.
    -Fixed the vulnerability in the logmessage function CVE-2023-35086/ CVE-2023-35087.
    -Fixed lighttpd vulnerability, CVE-2023-35720.
    -Fixed several curl vulnerabilities including CVE-2023-28322, CVE-2023-28321, and CVE-2023-28319.
    -Fixed FFmpeg vulnerabilities, specifically CVE-2022-3964, CVE-2022-48434, and CVE-2022-3109.
    -Fixed openssl vulnerability, CVE-2023-0464.
    -Fixed ReadyMedia vulnerabilitym CVE-2020-28926.
    -Fixed UPnP vulnerability CVE-2020-12695.
    -Patched a command injection vulnerability to improve overall security.
    -Strengthened protection against SSH brute force attacks.

    Please unzip the firmware file, and then verify the checksum.
    SHA256: 4533484803f641f37a10550af620aebf33bd62a69a9519532a8896f8c1e79550

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      • USB 3.0、3.1、3.2、および/またはType-Cの実際の転送速度は、ホストデバイスの処理速度、ファイル属性、およびシステム構成と動作環境により異なります。
      • 実際のスループットとWi-Fiカバレッジは、ご利用になる建物の構造・材質、障害物、設置状況、電波状況などの使用環境により、通信速度の低下や想定した数値と異なる場合がありますのであらかじめご了承ください。
      • 802.11axの機能を利用するには、クライアントデバイスが802.11axに対応している必要があります。
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      •  「OCNバーチャルコネクト」はNTTコミュニケーションズ株式会社の商標です。