BRT-AC828 他のモデルを見つける


    • Driver & Tools
    ASUS BRT-AC828 Firmware version
    43.36 MB

    *Facebook Wifi function is only support in firmware, because Facebook has terminated the cooperation with ASUS, the subsequent firmware will not be updated.

    - Fixed CVE-2018-20334
    - Fixed CVE-2018-20336
    - Fixed null pointer issue.
    - Fixed DDoS vulnerability.
    - Fixed command injection vulnerability.
    - Fixed buffer overflow vulnerability.
    - Fixed OpenVPN related bugs.
    - Improved system stability.

    Please unzip the firmware file first and then check the MD5 code.
    MD5: 84b401c177f890794287a47fc181d917

    ASUS BRT-AC828 Firmware version
    42.66 MB

    *Facebook Wifi function is only support in firmware, because Facebook has terminated the cooperation with ASUS, the subsequent firmware will not be updated.

    Bug fixed items
    * IPSec net-to-net peer/client connection dial fail occasionally.

    Modified items
    * Add AU/NZ ISP support in QIS and modify rule of IPTV support in wizard.
    * Support EULA display description editor for Captive Portal wizard.
    * Add IPSec PFS support.
    * Add IPSec log level and fix connection status display.
    * Fix VLAN subnet index mapping in Networkmap.
    * Fix “non-auth.” log in issue of Captive Portal
    * Rename "Implicit beamforming" as "Universal Beamforming".
    * Remove OpenWRT changeset from SIP ALG.
    * Modify “Port Forwarding” user interface.

    Security fixed items
    * Fix CVE-2018-17022
    * Fix CVE-2018-17021
    * Add TLS security patch
    * Update to OpenSSL 1.0.2p
    * Fix XSS vulnerability via SSID
    * Fix OnSec-AVS-03006004
    * Fix OnSec-AVS-03006002

    Please unzip the firmware file first then check the MD5 code.
    MD5: d4ba1da5d7a6b8618f3ad38e56aa020b

    ASUS BRT-AC828 Firmware version
    42.58 MB

    *Facebook Wifi function is only support in firmware, because Facebook has terminated the cooperation with ASUS, the subsequent firmware will not be updated.

    New Features
    * [WAN] Draft VLAN support on WAN for NZ Fiber in New Zealand.

    Web related update:
    * [Policy] Privacy related modify
    * [Permission Management] Add a UI notice on Permission Management
    * [USB printer] Show USB printer function on Networkmap.
    * [IPSec] Modify IPSec client the remote identity requirement, when configure add Net-to-Net FAQ.
    * [Security] Fix security issues
    - Fixed Reflected XSS vulnerability.
    - Fixed CSRF vulnerability.
    - Fixed command injection vulnerability.
    - Fixed stack buffer overflow vulnerability.

    Bugfix Update:
    * [QIS] Redirect to internet type selection page when DHCP and PPPoE coexist.
    * [WAN] modify code to reboot system when value of wans_dualwan is changed from 'wan usb' to 'usb wan’.
    * [WAN] Reboot system when the settings of primary wan and secondary wan are exchanged. (ex. "wan wan2" => "wan2 wan”)
    * [WAN] Remove the Auto MAC clone.
    * [NAT] Modify the limit of Port Forward rule
    * [WPS] Fix WPS default turn off issue, after restore to default on China and Taiwan H/W version
    * [Guest Network] Fix wifi client can't connect to hidden guest network that authentication configured on Open System.
    * [FreeRADIUS] Fix user authentication error when RADIUS server utility user account and password from Device Management
    * [Captive Portal/Free WiFi]: Modify local account and password authentication error.
    * [DDNS] Select public WAN IP to register DDNS server when Dual WAN load balance is enabled.
    * [IPSec] Fix strongswan start process error when admin account is renamed.
    * [IPSec] Security patch strongswan-5.2.1 to fix CVE-2018-5388, CVE-2018-10811.
    * [IPSec] Fix net-to-net connection issue that remote client use can't connect IPSec server with DDNS.

    RF related commits:
    * [Bandwidth] Fix HT20 enabled in legacy mode.
    * [TxPower] Add Tx power percentage function.
    * [WiFi Professional] Apply RTS threshold, DTIM period, and WME APSD to each guest networks (Virtual APs).
    * [WiFi Professional] Fix 11n/11ac multicast rate not be applied to main VAP.
    * [WiFi Professional] Add HTMIX rates

    Please unzip the firmware file first then check the MD5 code.
    MD5: 559a03319aa4d1f0489bd123f14b93c6

    ASUS BRT-AC828 Firmware version
    42.56 MB

    *Facebook Wifi function is only support in firmware, because Facebook has terminated the cooperation with ASUS, the subsequent firmware will not be updated.

    Security fixed items
    [httpd] Fixed nvram_dump can dump any file and run any system command
    [httpd] Modify Cross-Site Scripting and single quotes naming issue for client device name on “View Client List”.
    [httpd] Restrict to get DHCP information before logging in
    [Hardware] Fixed CPU Spectre Security Vulnerability Issue.
    Fixed CVE-2018-8879, cleanup the bloat
    Fixed CVE-2018-8877, CVE-2018-8878

    Bug fixed items
    [UI] Fixed UI string translation on top status tab of main page.
    [httpd] fix potential crash on NULL pointer and potential buffer overrun in do_qis_default()

    Modified items
    [httpd] Modify obtain SSID and PSK method from nvram_get to nvram_char_to_ascii.
    [httpd] Simplify code that is used to remove unsupported channel according selected channel bandwidth.
    [Permission Management] Add limitations for Permission Management
    [Permission Management] modify user account maximum from 32 to 200.
    [Permission Management] modify para length to avoid parsing string crash
    [UI] Update descriptions of error_page.htm update descriptions of error_page.htm
    [UI] Updated translated string which recommended by Poland user
    [VLAN] Add LAN to LAN ROUTE feature for VLAN configuration

    Please unzip the firmware file first then check the MD5 code.
    MD5: 863e9d0ae27eacf402f7859bd6ff67d5

    ASUS BRT-AC828 Firmware version (Facebook Wi-Fi special version)
    42.58 MB

    Security fixed items
    * [Security] fixed LAN RCE vulnerability
    * dnsmasq: apply security release CVE fixes
    * dnsmasq: update to 2.78test2-12-gb697fbb, fix CVE-2017-13704
    * Modify Smart Sync Stored XSS issue.
    * [Security]:fixed nvram_dump can dump any file and run any system command
    * [Security][CVE-2018-5721]: fixed buffer overflow in ej_update_variables when action_script includes '_wan_if' substring
    * [IPSec] add CVE patch for CVE-2017-11185
    * [IPSec] add CVE patch for CVE-2017-9022, CVE-2017-9023
    * [httpd]Fixed buffer overflow in check_xss_blacklist()

    Bug fixed items
    * Fixed IP conflicts detection code.
    * Fixed DUT reboot issue if number of MAC/IP binding rules greater than 30.
    * Main Wireless SSID not work if one or more Guest SSID configured in VLAN.
    * igmpproxy may listen on secondary WAN.
    * dnsmasq: update to 2.77-13-g69a815a, fix reserved dhcp leases
    * Tagged-based VLAN page can't be shown if language is FI (Suomi) or NL (Nederlands)
    * Sync Advanced_TagBasedVLAN_Content.asp with commit 72cf990 of ac88q branch for SQ bug#868.
    * Some LAN ports may not work if 802.3ad is enabled.
    * Can't login OpenVPN server.
    * Failed to connect OpenVPN server if ID has a [#] inside.
    * Modify IPSec UI for the IKE v1, which only support single subnet (IKE v2 support multi-subnet)
    * Port range of port-trigger feature doesn't work.
    * Wrong message if client can't connected to DUT after firmware upgrade.
    * Remove surge wave caused by redial from traffic graph.
    * Remove unsupported UI functions: Bandwidth Limiter on Guest Network of AP mode, "Secure Your Router” button on AiProtection.
    * Fixed Multi-language UI issues
    * Fix the quotation marks will cause JS error in FR, UK
    * Live Update get info file : Correct equal equation of firmver value

    Modified items
    * Fix model number and serial number information of WPS.
    * Added new command to get blocked ACS channel.
    * Enable IPSec VPN switch to SW crypto and enlarge IPSec server connection number.
    * Modify supported symbols or special character on PSW and XAUTH of IPSec VPN
    * Add USB modem support: Huawei E3372.
    * dnsmasq: ignore localhost names from broken dhcp clients (like Samsung Smart TV)
    * dnsmasq: update to stable 2.78

    Please unzip the firmware file first then check the MD5 code.
    MD5: 214eb052ca4daa49324eeb0b69451599

    ASUS BRT-AC828 Firmware version
    42.56 MB

    Security fixed items
    * [Security] fixed LAN RCE vulnerability
    * dnsmasq: apply security release CVE fixes
    * dnsmasq: update to 2.78test2-12-gb697fbb, fix CVE-2017-13704
    * Modify Smart Sync Stored XSS issue.
    * [Security]:fixed nvram_dump can dump any file and run any system command
    * [Security][CVE-2018-5721]: fixed buffer overflow in ej_update_variables when action_script includes '_wan_if' substring
    * [IPSec] add CVE patch for CVE-2017-11185
    * [IPSec] add CVE patch for CVE-2017-9022, CVE-2017-9023
    * [httpd]Fixed buffer overflow in check_xss_blacklist()

    Bug fixed items
    * Fixed IP conflicts detection code.
    * Fixed DUT reboot issue if number of MAC/IP binding rules greater than 30.
    * Main Wireless SSID not work if one or more Guest SSID configured in VLAN.
    * igmpproxy may listen on secondary WAN.
    * dnsmasq: update to 2.77-13-g69a815a, fix reserved dhcp leases
    * Tagged-based VLAN page can't be shown if language is FI (Suomi) or NL (Nederlands)
    * Sync Advanced_TagBasedVLAN_Content.asp with commit 72cf990 of ac88q branch for SQ bug#868.
    * Some LAN ports may not work if 802.3ad is enabled.
    * Can't login OpenVPN server.
    * Failed to connect OpenVPN server if ID has a [#] inside.
    * Modify IPSec UI for the IKE v1, which only support single subnet (IKE v2 support multi-subnet)
    * Port range of port-trigger feature doesn't work.
    * Wrong message if client can't connected to DUT after firmware upgrade.
    * Remove surge wave caused by redial from traffic graph.
    * Remove unsupported UI functions: Bandwidth Limiter on Guest Network of AP mode, "Secure Your Router” button on AiProtection.
    * Fixed Multi-language UI issues
    * Fix the quotation marks will cause JS error in FR, UK
    * Live Update get info file : Correct equal equation of firmver value

    Modified items
    * Fix model number and serial number information of WPS.
    * Added new command to get blocked ACS channel.
    * Enable IPSec VPN switch to SW crypto and enlarge IPSec server connection number.
    * Modify supported symbols or special character on PSW and XAUTH of IPSec VPN
    * Add USB modem support: Huawei E3372.
    * dnsmasq: ignore localhost names from broken dhcp clients (like Samsung Smart TV)
    * dnsmasq: update to stable 2.78

    Please unzip the firmware file first then check the MD5 code.
    MD5: 02833e0b4d093ff01ba25cab9588f23e

    • 米国およびカナダでは、米連邦通信委員会(Federal Communications Commission)およびカナダ産業省(Industry Canada)の認証を受けた製品が販売されます。現地で購入可能な製品については、ASUS USAおよびASUS CanadaのWebサイトをご覧ください。
    • すべての仕様は、予告なしに変更されることがあります。実際の製品内容につきましては、サプライヤーにお尋ねください。製品はすべての国地域で入手できるわけではありません。
    • 仕様や機能は、モデルによって異なります。すべての画像はイメージです。詳細は仕様をご確認ください。
    • 基板色、同梱ソフトのバージョンは予告なく変更する場合がございます。
    • 前述のすべてのブランド名および製品名は、各社の商標または登録商標です。
    • HDMI、HDMI   High-Definition Multimedia Interfaceという語、HDMIのトレードドレスおよびHDMIロゴは、HDMI   Licensing Administrator, Inc.の商標または登録商標です。
      • USB 3.0、3.1、3.2、および/またはType-Cの実際の転送速度は、ホストデバイスの処理速度、ファイル属性、およびシステム構成と動作環境により異なります。
      • 実際のスループットとWi-Fiカバレッジは、ご利用になる建物の構造・材質、障害物、設置状況、電波状況などの使用環境により、通信速度の低下や想定した数値と異なる場合がありますのであらかじめご了承ください。
      • 802.11axの機能を利用するには、クライアントデバイスが802.11axに対応している必要があります。
      • 「v6プラス」および「v6plus」は、株式会社JPIXの登録商標(または商標)です。
      •  「OCNバーチャルコネクト」はNTTコミュニケーションズ株式会社の商標です。