Zenbook Duo UX481

These are the manufacturers of the year 2022!

No. 1 in Gaming: Graphic Cards, Motherboards, Monitors, Laptops

The innovative ScreenPad Plus takes interaction between user and laptop to a new level, making input much easier.

If you travel a lot and want to save space, the ZenBook Duo is a wise investment.
If there’s a laptop that’s truly meant for creators that hits all the box, the ASUS Zenbook Duo is what you need, and we can vouch for that.

I am interested to see what ASUS can do in the next generation of the ZenBook Duo. Ergonomics aside, I am already having a fantastic time as a writer, video editor, and researcher while working on the ZenBook Duo UX481F.
فيدوهات المراجعة
If you are looking for a laptop with a secondary display to improve you overall workflow then the Asus ZenBook Duo could fulfil your requirements
Designed to give you the ultimate edge in workflow efficiency, the unique design features a full-width ASUS ScreenPad™ Plus that works seamlessly with the main display.
雙螢幕筆電的優點在於跟其他相同大小的 14 吋筆電相比,它延伸了你的視野,能看到的內容也多更多。
Asus ZenBook Duo 👌 another level
Today I bring you a laptop computer from the FUTURE with 2 screens!
Brands always try to innovate, but sometimes they go too far. Will be?
رأي الخبراء

I used the UX481 for a couple of weeks and eased right into my daily routine. Using ScreenPad Plus is so easy you don't even need time to adjust to using it and like I said, the benefits are endless once you get to know its capabilities

It had the specs of a business class notebook but the body of a premium sports car.

In terms of performance, the Asus ZenBook Duo did its job well. It was able to handle everything we threw at it with aplomb.

In terms of performance, the Asus ZenBook Duo did its job well. It was able to handle everything we threw at it with aplomb. If you are looking for a laptop that offers a secondary screen to upgrade your overall workflow, the Asus ZenBook Duo could fulfill your requirements.

ASUS has done an excellent job on the ZenBook Duo, the little brother to the Pro Duo. A solid build, competent specs, usability options limited by one’s imagination, and much more.

Great laptop with 2 screens
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