Despre ASUS

    Producatorul Nr. 1 în lume la plăci de bază

    ASUS este producătorul numarul unu în lume la plăci de bază, conducănd aproape 40% din piața plăcilor de bază. Astăzi, unu din trei computere găzduiește o placă de bază ASUS. Peste 24 de millioane de plăci de bază au fost vândute în 2008 — lungimea acestora adunată ar depăși 10000 de zgârienori din Taipei cu 101 etaje și de 600 de ori înălțimea munților Himalaya.

    ASUS ales drept “Best Motherboard Brand” pentru șase ani consecutivi

    ASUS a fost votat drept “Best Motherboard Brand” din lume timp de șase ani consecutivi de către Tom's Hardware Guide (THG), un website pentru review hardware arhicunoscut și apreciat. În multe din aceste sondaje de opinie, ce au atras zeci de mi de participanți, ASUS a primit mai mult de jumătate din voturi. Prin titlul Alegerea Cititorilor THG se recunoaște că produsele hardware exprima cel mai înalt standard al calității în design și servicii oferite. Premiile sunt considerate a fi un atribut al unui design bine realizat, performanță, calitate și valoare.

    The Undisputed Leader in Motherboard Innovation

    ASUS is blessed with one of the world’s best Research and Development teams. Through their indefatigable efforts in pushing the boundaries of innovation, ASUS’ engineers have conceived features and technologies that have revolutionized the motherboard industry in terms of overclockability, stability and power efficiency. Some of these milestones in mainboard development include:

    16 +2 Phase Power

    ASUS’ revolutionary 16-phase power design utilizes real hardware power regulation to guarantee genuine power efficiency—up to 96% over competing products. ASUS motherboards with this feature draw less power and operate at lower temperatures, yet still deliver excellent performance. This power efficiency saves money for the user, reduces temperatures inside the PC case and extends the life of key components such as the CPU and motherboard.

    Energy Processing Unit (EPU)

    ASUS’ exclusive EPU is a hardware-based feature that controls six major components: the CPU, VGA card, memory, chipset, hard drives, and the CPU cooler/system fan. Equipped with a database containing all of the Intel CPU profiles, the EPU intelligently identifies and selects the correct CPU profile and calibrates the best possible settings to ensure the best power management.

    Express Gate

    ASUS' exclusive Express Gate enables the system to go online from bootup in only five seconds—making it the one-stop gateway to instant fun. With quick Internet access, users who are always strapped for time will be able to enjoy online video, utilize the most popular Instant Messengers (IM) like MSN, Skype, Google talk, QQ, and Yahoo! Messenger, easily and quickly check on the weather or send and receive emails just before leaving their homes.

    Drive Xpert

    Drive Xpert is a hardware RAID solution that is ideal for users who need to secure data on their hard drives or enhance hard disk drive performance without the hassle of installing drivers or tweaking settings in the BIOS. With Drive Xpert's user-friendly graphical user interface and dynamic backups, users can easily arrange hard disk drive backups, or even enhance hard drive transfer rates, in simple steps.


    In order to help overclockers build the fastest machines in the fastest time possible, ASUS has developed an innovative overclocking solution: TweakIt. TweakIt enables overclockers to make real-time changes to their systems’ core frequency, voltage and other parameters using the joystick-like control on the motherboard itself—even while a benchmark utility is running. At no point does software come into play; the tweaking is completely hardware-based.

    Consistently First-to-market with Products Incorporating the Latest Technologies

    As the leader in motherboard innovation, ASUS is constantly at the forefront of advances in technology. Over the years, it has laid claim to countless world’s firsts. It was the first manufacturer to introduce motherboards supporting Serial ATA and AGP8X, P4 CPUs of up to 3GHz and beyond, Hyper-Threading Technology, Intel® Core™2 processors, and Windows Vista, just to name a few milestones. With its finger on the pulse of the industry and close collaboration with the world’s leading IT enterprises, ASUS will continue to be first to the market with cutting-edge products.