ASUS Honored for Sustainable Practices at the 2019 Global Corporate Sustainability Awards


Company practices and innovations celebrated with two Global Corporate Sustainability Awards and seven Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards

TAIPEI, Taiwan, November 27, 2019 ASUS today announced that the company has received two 2019 Global Corporate Sustainability Awards (GCSA), including a Professional Award recognizing Chairman Jonney Shih's leadership in optimizing ASUS business-sustainability practices, and a Best Practice Award for sustainable procurement using scientific approach for supply chain management. ASUS also received seven Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards in recognition of the company’s contributions to sustainability in a variety of areas, including supply-chain management, climate leadership and social inclusion.
This year's annual Global Corporate Sustainability Awards ceremony took place during the Global Corporate Sustainability Forum (GCSF) held at the Grand Hotel in Taipei. Mr. Shih attended the ceremony to receive both the Professional Award and Best Practice Award on behalf of ASUS. Full details of the event can be found at

Professional Award for Global Corporate Sustainability

ASUS is leveraging 30 years of expertise and innovation to grow and to promote sustainability. Mr. Shih led an innovative strategy that uses data and scientific management practices in order to optimize sustainability value while tracking progress toward sustainability goals. His leadership guided ASUS to leverage the company’s existing competencies to develop the ASUS 2020 Sustainability Goals, which are based on the Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations. As part of this effort, Mr. Shih has driven sustainability through policies that promote eco-friendly products and a sustainable supply chain as well as efforts to bridge the digital divide.
The Professional Award for Global Corporate Sustainability recognizes Mr. Shih’s furtherance of business strategies focusing on optimization of sustainability value. He has helped to both lead and guide the company via strong advocacy of the ASUS Design Thinking philosophy and the establishment of the ASUS Wiser Together corporate-transformation strategy. The latter initiative reflects Mr. Shih’s firm belief that ASUS can become an idea meritocracy that uses the collective wisdom of its people to the best advantage, inspiring new innovations for consumers around the world and enabling the company to thrive in this new era of technological change.
Under his stewardship, ASUS was also the first company in the world complete the UL Environment's Circularity Facts program. The program employs sustainability procedures and standards to quantify a company’s efforts to move operations towards a more circular approach that minimizes waste and keeps materials in use for longer periods.
ASUS was also the first consumer technology company in Asia to be certified by Social Value International for Social Return on Investment (SROI).

Best Practice Award for Global Corporate Sustainability

ASUS was also recognized for its efforts to enhance sustainable procurement, receiving the Best Practice Award for Global Corporate Sustainability. In particular, the company has been honored for capturing data during the procurement process across supply chains and then applying a scientific approach in management decision-making, with the goal of enhancing sustainability efforts and meeting or exceeding ASUS 2020 Sustainability Goals .
The GCSA judging panel commended ASUS for managing its supply chains in order to reduce negative environmental impacts. This included a strong management system, including planning and measurement, as well as advanced corporate social responsibilit