RT-AX86 Series(RT-AX86U/RT-AX86S)

This year marks the 10th consecutive year that ASUS has won Readers’ Choice Best Wireless Networking Brand. And they’ve managed to increase their lead from 33% for the 2022 Awards to 39% in 2023. It is a stronghold for ASUS as a consumer brand that focuses on performance and adoption of the latest standards, especially with their ROG line of gaming routers.

This year marks the 10th consecutive year that ASUS has won Readers’ Choice Best Wireless Networking Brand. And they’ve managed to increase their lead from 33% for the 2022 Awards to 39% in 2023. It is a stronghold for ASUS as a consumer brand that focuses on performance and adoption of the latest standards, especially with their ROG line of gaming routers.

This year marks the 10th consecutive year that ASUS has won Readers’ Choice Best Wireless Networking Brand. And they’ve managed to increase their lead from 33% for the 2022 Awards to 39% in 2023. It is a stronghold for ASUS as a consumer brand that focuses on performance and adoption of the latest standards, especially with their ROG line of gaming routers.

Today, they’re well known not just for superior wireless performance, but also as one of the few brands that continue to push the latest in standards, security, advanced user customisation and building a robust networking ecosystem through AiMesh functionality to enable compatible ASUS routers to work together in a single SSID.

ASUS’ popularity is most likely due to their focus on powerful hardware with cutting edge networking features across their Wi-Fi 6 range from the flagship ROG Rapture GT-AX11000 to the RT-AX86U.

Capable router that's not just for Gundam fans.
Video reviews
Maybe it's not cause he's not paying attention, maybe he's just...lagging 🤷♀️ Aina finds out the hard way :')
今天就让3小只 Noel 诺幺 MiyaCheong 钟敏儿 鬼眼丹丹 Evy 给大家介绍一下Gaming Router里面的功能,让大家可以选择更合适自己的Router!
Well, not much of a secret anymore now, is it? Let January show you how he became a pro ;)
Dalam sesi LIVE ini kita akan buat comprehensive testing bagi produk rangkaian enterprise terbaru keluaran ASUS iaitu ASUS ExpertWiFi EBM68 dan dalam waktu yang sama kita akan sama-sama bincangkan isu-isu rangkaian semasa yang menarik seperti masalah Internet, 5G, WiFi dll.
Have you made your own PC yet? *ASUS most powerful Z690 PC* [Fortnite].
Asus Rapture GT -AX6000 - The new wifi 6 of the ASUS #Short
Media reviews

How ASUS ExpertWiFi is Staying Ahead of the Competition

The Asus RT-AX86U convinces with a very strong price-performance ratio in the test: It belongs to the top field in terms of speed and features.

Routers are one of the essential product that is always with us, whether its at home or office, basically one of the gateway to connect all your devices towards the internet, so that you can surf and work, to an extent, even manage your files or play some game.

打游戏就算你操作怎么牛,一lag就没你什么事了。为了照顾大家的需求,Asus就发布了一款最新的高性能Gaming Router RT-AX86U。

A good option would be a router that has WiFi 6 (wireless-AX) so that newer devices can be supported. Since we needed to get a new one for the office, we decided to look around for one with features that provide better device management

Router yang bernilai RM1398,Gundam Version pun ada boleh tengok dekat link shopee dibawah,adakah ia akan memberi perbezaan yang ketara?,bagi Sarjan guna dulu dalam beberapa minggu,nanti Jan share apa yang bagus dan berbaloi ke dengan harga yang ditawarkan."