ASUS TUF Gaming Radeon™ RX 6500 XT OC edition 4GB GDDR6


It doesn’t look like anyone is breaking this streak for ASUS anytime soon, as they are once again your chosen Best Graphics Card Brand for 2023, 14 years in a row.

It’s always a one-two combo for ASUS in the PC components space as the brand has successfully entrenched itself into the Singaporean psyche. So, it’s really no surprise that ASUS is once again voted Best Graphics Card Brand. This is a 13-year streak, and if they continue pushing the boundaries of performance that gamers crave for, they have nothing to worry about.

For 12 years in a row, you’ve voted in ASUS as the Best Graphics Card Brand in our Readers’ Choice category.

Vendor of the Year 2023

EHA 2023 Reader Awards
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e turned on Furmark stress test to warm it up and left it to soak until it stabilised. RX 6500 XT peaked at only 49 degrees with a maximum noise level of 31.5 dBa. It is so quiet that car noises from outside were hindering the test so we had to re-do it a few times.
The ASUS TUF is a suprisingly well built card with a pretty extensive feature set.
一款为平民玩家打造的GPU - TUF Gaming AMD Radeon RX 6500 XT 开箱!
Review ASUS TUF Gaming Radeon RX 6500XT OC Edition
PC configuration "Red bean cake" 44 million! Beautiful sauce! - Hang Nga level, championship people!
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Award: Corporate - Manufacturer of the Year
The winners - Ryzen 7 2700X, Geforce RTX 2070

對於擁有像 AMD Radeon RX 570、RX 480 等入門顯示卡、預算不高的消費者,都能考慮升級到 Radeon RX 6500 XT,畢竟縮減的功能並不是最大眾所需的編碼功能,AMD 也表示如果想錄影還是可以使用 X264 CPU 編碼的方式。如果開啟 AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution,就能讓這價位的顯示卡能使用更高畫質設定順暢遊玩遊戲,部分遊戲還能開啟較低設定的光線追蹤,讓畫面光影效果更加真實。

這款TUF Gaming Radeon RX 6500 XT在整體的用料上相當的扎實且有份量,外型也承襲著TUF Gaming的硬派風格,沒有因為卡片定位為入門級而忽略應有的品質和做工,在效能表現上雖然因為4GB GDDR6的關係而有所影響,但若是以輕度遊玩的角度來看,也足夠應付絕大多數1080P解析度下的需求,玩家如果遇到家中小朋友吵著要用壓歲錢升級電腦的話,TUF Gaming Radeon RX 6500 XT會是能夠剛剛好滿足需求效能和日常使用的選擇。

這款TUF Gaming Radeon RX 6500 XT在整體的用料上相當的扎實且有份量,外型也承襲著TUF Gaming的硬派風格,沒有因為卡片定位為入門級而忽略應有的品質和做工,在效能表現上雖然因為4GB GDDR6的關係而有所影響,但若是以輕度遊玩的角度來看,也足夠應付絕大多數1080P解析度下的需求,玩家如果遇到家中小朋友吵著要用壓歲錢升級電腦的話,TUF Gaming Radeon RX 6500 XT會是能夠剛剛好滿足需求效能和日常使用的選擇。

The cooling capacity is very powerful, the temperature does not exceed 60ºC even under full load

The cooling capacity is very powerful, the temperature does not exceed 60ºC even under full load
Customer Reviews