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Jul 24, 2024

Lernen fördern mit ASUS: Einblicke von Prodimex und Centre e-kip

Kleine & mittelständische Unternehmen
Im Herzen von Genf hat sich Prodimex einen Ruf für die Bereitstellung von erstklassiger Computerhardware und Technologie-Lösungen erarbeitet. Ihre Zusammenarbeit mit dem Centre e-kip, einem Zentrum, das sich der Unterstützung von Schülern mit Lernschwierigkeiten widmet, hebt die Bedeutung von zuverlässiger und leistungsstarker Technologie im Bildungsbereich hervor. In diesem Interview wird die erfolgreiche Integration von ASUS-Geräten in ihren Betrieb und die daraus resultierenden positiven Ergebnisse für die Schüler untersucht.
Mar 15, 2022

How schools can reap cloud's benefits with ASUS

Cloud technology reshapes the future of education. Accessibility, security and flexibility empower, enrich and simplify knowledge-sharing.
Oct 22, 2021

An equal and inclusive educational system lies with technology

The digital divide in education can be bridged with assistive technologies, affordable devices, offline learning platforms, and AI solutions.
Oct 22, 2021

Learning on the edge: How edge computing could benefit classrooms

Education can be transformed by edge computing and cloud computing, offering students, teachers, and institutions benefits.
Oct 08, 2021

Enable the future of blended learning with the cloud

Cloud-based applications enable vibrant remote learning experiences, while cloud computing in education is projected to grow significantly.
Sep 24, 2021

The future success of education technology lies in robust IT risk management

Cyber hygiene and shared data safety attitudes are crucial for a secure digital education environment in the era of remote and hybrid learning.
Sep 15, 2021

From STEM to STEAM: How technology will bring the future of education to life

STEAM philosophy encourages educators to utilize advanced technology for an effective education that prepares students for the future.
Sep 01, 2021

The evolving role of school IT departments amidst the changing face of education

School IT departments have transformed from traditional support to strategic functions. To facilitate this change, three key areas need attention.
Jul 28, 2021

Hybrid learning: Taking education to the next level

Hybrid learning has become a powerful educational approach. With digital tools, educators can enhance teaching and learning beyond the classroom.
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