How to stop advertisement window automatically popping up?

Pop-up advertisement usually comes from specific software which is installed or embedded in your PC. If this software is malware, it can embed more advertisements or even trigger ransomware if you click on those advertisements. 

To remove advertisement malware, please enter Control panel > Program and function to remove and uninstall.  

(For Windows 11/10, please refer to How to uninstall program in Windows 11/10 ? for details)

Note: Removing Microsoft service or the main driver in device could lead to abnormal behavior in device. Please make sure the software you remove doesn't belong to either one of these. 


How to identify the Advertisement software:

1. Please remove any software if the title/filename listed in strange code/character (this results from coding)

2. Check the issuer of the software. If the issuer of the software is a major vendor, such as Microsoft Corporation、ASUS、Google, such software is usually not the source of advertisement.

3. Refer to the installation date/time. Filter out any software not installed by yourself.

4. Check the name or icon of the pop-up window. Search in the list of Removed Programs to see if there is similar existing software.


How to prevent your device from the attack of Advertisement malware:

1. Do not download or install any unknown software.

2. Install and periodically update your anti-virus software.

3. Avoid using any unauthorized and/or illegal software.


If the above recommendations cannot solve your problem, please try to re-install/recover your OS or contact ASUS Product Support for additional assistance.