TUF Gaming 850W Gold

Cross-country skiers with gaming power. The Asus TUF Gaming FX705GE smoothly brings all current computer games onto the matte 17.3-inch screen (FHD, IPS).

No. 1 in Gaming

...ASUS offers some very good blocks and this TUF GAMING 850 GOLD is no exception to the rule. It is quite compact, relatively beautiful, offers good voltages/consumption, is quiet and comes with a big 10 year warranty. In addition, it includes some very beautiful sheathed cables strand by strand

On hand ASUS Prime 850W Gold computer source: 80+ Gold standard with high performance, durability and safety for the system

Hands on the TUF Gaming A1 - The reliability SSD box hard drive

Open the ROG Thor 1000W Platinum II source box - outstanding and bunker
I Built The Best PC for Gamers & Creators | ASUS ProArt PA602 PC Build + ProArt LC420
I Built My Perfect PC... | TUF Gaming GT302 Blackout PC Build | Noctua NH-D15, ProArt 4080 Super
ASUS Got Wood... | ProArt PA602 Wood Edition PC Build | Noctua NH-D15 Chromax
Watch this video before buying an AMD PC
We'll show you how to double your FPS with AMD!
ASUS TUF GAMING 850 GOLD: ATX 3.0 to please the eyes
Recenzje mediów

Award: Corporate - Manufacturer of the Year
The winners - Ryzen 7 2700X, Geforce RTX 2070

Today we meet again with a video in which I review my Gaming Setup!

A build without visible cables looks much sleeker, is easier to install and immediately helps you avoid some headaches.

以往玩家在組裝電腦時都需要東奔西跑尋找適合的零組件信仰,這次的 ROG Strix Helios White Edition 潮競白電競主機雖然並未實際在通路販售整機套裝,但玩家可以依照這次介紹的機種為藍本,參考我們配置並打造屬於自己的白色信仰主機。
另一方面,全白設計外觀在電競文化中一眾非黑即紅的世界裡也格外吸睛,簡約外觀搭配整套白色電競零組件,讓整台主機非常有一致性,再搭配 RGB 燈效的輔助下顯露出低調的華麗!
高階處理器和顯示卡滿足玩家打 Game 需求,內建 1TB NVMe PCIe SSD 兼顧容量和讀寫速度、16GB DDR4 記憶體對一般主流遊戲算是剛剛好, 850W 金牌電供應付遊戲或是創作者相關的不同高壓環境也沒問題。
想打造出一台發揮信仰和效能的電競主機,參考這台 ROG Strix Helios 潮境白水冷電競主機配置會是一個滿不錯的方向,論外觀有外觀、論效能也有效能!


ASUS TUF Gaming GT302 ARGB – Chassis for a “wireless” system