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توصيشركة ASUS باستخدام Windows 11 Pro.
Case Studies
Accessible, adaptive education technology
Create the best learning experiences with ready-to-go devices and solutions from ASUS that let students and educators connect in innovative ways.
A teacher with K-12 students around, using ASUS BR1100 laptops in the classroom.
Versatile, durable devices for K-12
Equip school students with the digital tools to take learning to the next level, without worrying about accidental damage.
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Two unervisity students are sitting outside and using ASUS Chromebook together.
Adaptable technology for higher education
Discover solutions that let students learn however they like, whether they’re traveling to lectures or attending class online.
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Students are sitting in the computer lab while a teacher is sitting in front and giving lesson. There are ASUS ExpertCenter desktops and monitors on every desk.
Easily maintained technology for IT teams
Choose reliable, hardwearing devices that come with centralized IT management and ongoing support.
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A teacher is using ASUS BR1100 laptop to give a lesson to two girls, with the laptop open in 180 degree flat.
Intuitive, ready-to-go set-ups for educators
Hit the ground running with user-friendly technology that enables educators to create the best possible learning environments.
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Empower educators to prepare for a digital future
Students and teachers alike want a classroom fit for the digital age, with learning that's faster—and more fun. And ASUS understands the challenges you face to get there. That’s what makes us the ideal technology partner.
Students say online education is more fun and helps them retain information faster1.
Over half of educators constantly strive to innovate by using technology as a tool for education2.
The majority of educators believe technology should be incorporated into lessons3.
A teacher is looking at  ASUS ExpertBook B3 Flip to give remote lesson in her room, while one hand is writing on a whiteboard behind her.
Create a digital classroom

Hybrid learning comes with challenges – like keeping educators and students connected, or staying focused in distracting environments.

Create digital learning environments with lightweight, military-grade durable ASUS devices featuring AI noise-canceling technology and impressive battery life. Plus, up to WiFi 6 or 5G connectivity and cloud compatibility makes teaching and learning anywhere easy.

A group of youth is discussing together, looking at a ASUS Chromebook open in 180 degree flat on the desk.
Empower educators and support staff

Educators and support staff often have a challenging workload and limited resources – they don’t need technology slowing them down.

ASUS helps you improve the teaching experience and increase productivity with user-friendly, easily maintained technology featuring centralized IT management and round-the-clock support. Plus, AI Recovery helps IT administrators create e-classrooms and allows for easy deployment, set-up and recovery of all devices.

A boy is recording a teacher doing experiment by ASUS BR1100F laptop in tablet mode.
Prepare students for a digital future

With digital literacy an increasingly crucial skill in the world of work and beyond, educational institutions need to upgrade their technology offering to offer all young people the best prospects.

Enhance the learning process and increase student engagement with powerful, up-to-the-minute technology from ASUS that supports the latest software and integrates with a range of digital tools, apps, and systems.

اكتشف منتجاتنا

مع مجموعة الأدوات الرقمية والميزات الذكية من ASUS ، هناك شيء لكل مؤسسة.

علم وتعلم في أي مكان

حسِّن أداء الطلاب أثناء الفصول الدراسية عبر الإنترنت باستخدام الأدوات الرقمية المناسبة - مثل أجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة المتينة والمحمولة المصممة للتعامل مع تآكل الحياة الطلابية. تعمل ميزات مثل شاشات العرض المضادة للوهج والضوء الأزرق المنخفض المعتمدة من TÜV على حماية العينين ، بينما تعمل تقنية إلغاء التشويش بالذكاء الاصطناعي وتقنية كاميرا الويب ثلاثية الأبعاد للحد من الضوضاء للحصول على تجارب تعليمية أفضل.


ندوة على الانترنت

استكشاف الحوسبة السحابية و Eduverse

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أفضل كمبيوتر محمول للتعليم - ASUS BR1100

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Modular design introduction video - ASUS BR1100

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كيف يمكن للمدارس جني فوائد السحابة مع ASUS

أصبحت التقنيات القائمة على السحابة أكثر أهمية في التعليم مع انتشار الوباء الذي خلق الحاجة إلى فصل دراسي افتراضي. الآن ، بمساعدة السحابة ، يمكن للطلاب في جميع أنحاء العالم متابعة الدروس عن بُعد.
4 رسوم توضيحية تعرض 4 سيناريوهات مع صورة سحابية في المنتصف - محتوى في أي مكان ، تعاون في المشروع في الوقت الفعلي ، بيئة تعليمية حديثة وتفاعل محسّن بين الطلاب وأولياء الأمور.
1. Institute for the Future of Education, How Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Change the Education Industry Forever?, 2021. 2. Promethean, The State of Technology in Education, 2021/22. 3. Promethean, The State of Technology in Education, 2021/22.