
"The Asus RT-AX88U is the best choice for a higher end router. It features next generation Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) technology, and an impressive eight Gigabit Ethernet ports, which even supports link aggregation. Backing this up is the usual excellent AsusWRT interface, which allows granular control of every imaginable setting. "

"The Asus RT-AX88U is the best choice for a higher end router. It features next generation Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) technology, and an impressive eight Gigabit Ethernet ports, which even supports link aggregation. Backing this up is the usual excellent AsusWRT interface, which allows granular control of every imaginable setting. "

"One of the fastest routers we've tested, the Asus ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 offers lots of gamer-friendly features, copious I/O ports, and a slick management console that lets you optimize your network for lag-free gaming."

"One of the fastest routers we've tested, the Asus ROG Rapture GT-AC5300 offers lots of gamer-friendly features, copious I/O ports, and a slick management console that lets you optimize your network for lag-free gaming."

"The Asus RT-AC86U is a fast AC2900 dual band router that's equipped with the latest networking technology and is loaded with gamer optimization and network protection features."

"The Asus RT-AC86U is a fast AC2900 dual band router that's equipped with the latest networking technology and is loaded with gamer optimization and network protection features."
Unboxing the Asus RT-AX59U AX4200 Dual Band WiFi 6 (802.11ax) AiMesh Router
The INCREDIBLE POTAGER of the FUTURE!🌿! With ASUS Extendable Routers ! Check that before buying a router
...boosted to extreme speeds...
Dalam sesi LIVE ini kita akan buat comprehensive testing bagi produk rangkaian enterprise terbaru keluaran ASUS iaitu ASUS ExpertWiFi EBM68 dan dalam waktu yang sama kita akan sama-sama bincangkan isu-isu rangkaian semasa yang menarik seperti masalah Internet, 5G, WiFi dll.
a big surprise in terms of performance

How extendable routers can improve your WiFi coverage

How ASUS ExpertWiFi is Staying Ahead of the Competition

The Asus RT-AX59U is a router with a rich functionality.

遅いWi-Fiは命取り! 飲食店経営者兼ライターがASUSの新型ルーター「RT-AX59U」を導入したら世界が変わった!

念願の内蔵アンテナ・縦置き型、さらに壁掛けにも対応! ASUSの新型Wi-Fi 6ルーター「RT-AX59U」

【ASUS RT-AX59U レビュー】縦置き・壁掛け対応で設置しやすいシンプルなWi-Fi6ルーター