How to install Windows 10 driver when you can't find [setup.exe] or [install.exe] ?

There are two methods to install the driver and you can find them detailed in the steps below.


The first installation method: Update or install the driver in the [Device Manager]

Example: VGA driver installation:

(1) How to get the VGA driver, please refer to ASUS official website Link

(2) Extract the driver you have downloaded.

(3) Right click the bottom left corner of ①[Windows icon], click to open ②[Device Manager]. Click ③[Display adapters], right click ④[NIVIDA GeForce MX250], click ⑤[Update Driver].

Note: You may need to select the dedicated device for different drivers.

(4) Click ⑥[Browse my computer for driver software].

(5) Click ⑦[Browse], find the ⑧[downloaded driver] in the pop-up window(Note the location of the driver download), click ⑨[OK], click ⑩[Next].

(6) If you see the picture as shown below, the driver has been installed successfully.


The second installation method: Use PowerShell to install the driver

(1) Open the folder where the driver is located and open the [InstallStep.txt] file.

(2) Find [Input. \xxxxx] in the opened file. You can see the file with the same name in the folder. (Take the setup.bat file as an example for driver installation)

(3) Click ①[File] in the upper left corner of the folder, move the mouse to ②[on the small arrow next to Open Windows PowerShell], and click ③[Open Windows PowerShell as administrator].

(4) The following screen appears, please click [Yes].

(5) Find [Input. \xxxxx] (.\setup.bat), enter the file with [. \ Setup.bat] as an example in [Windows PowerShell], and press [Enter].

(6) When the installation is done, the following interface will appear, indicating that the driver has been successfully installed.


If your issue is not resolved with the above information , please contact ASUS Customer Service for further information.