How to inquire Warranty Status

  1. Go to the Warranty Status Inquiry page of the ASUS official website.
  2. Enter your serial numberand check the box to ASUS Privacy Policy, then click [Submit]. Here you can learn more about How to find the product serial number.
  3. The search result will display your warranty expiration date of the product.
    Note: The warranty status displayed here is only for reference. If user can’t provide the effective purchase invoice of the product, product warranty will start from the date of device delivery according to the product S/N. Here you can learn more about How to upload the purchase invoice.


How to upload the purchase invoice

  1. At the bottom of the warranty search result page, click [Update the Warranty End date].
    Note: This service varies by country or region. If the link is unavailable, please contact ASUS customer center to check the real expiration date.
  2. Fill in your contact details and upload the purchase invoice file, check the box to [ASUS Privacy Policy], then click [Submit].
    Note: The file type supports jpg, png, gif, jpeg, and jp2 format, and the file size needs less than 10MB.
  3. ASUS needs some time to process your request, then will reply to you at the email address you fill in. 


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