ASUS Chromebook Flip CR1 (CR1100)

These are the manufacturers of the year 2022!

With the ExpertBook B7 Flip, Asus delivers a well-rounded 2-in-1 notebook from the premium business segment.

No. 1 in Gaming: Graphic Cards, Motherboards, Monitors, Laptops

The Asus ExpertBook B1 B1500 is stable, light and well suited for everyday office tasks.

Compact and durable convertible ideal for university, office and sofa

ASUS Chromebook CR1100 Series won the Good Design Award 2021, a world-renowned design award.

世界三大設計獎之一的「德國紅點設計大獎(Red Dot Design Award)」公佈2022年最新得獎名單,華碩憑藉出色的產品設計,一舉奪下39項產品設計獎,獲獎數再創新高。這些殊榮印證華碩追尋無與倫比之品牌精神,及以用戶為中心的設計思維備受國際肯定。

世界三大設計獎之一的「德國紅點設計大獎(Red Dot Design Award)」公佈2022年最新得獎名單,華碩憑藉出色的產品設計,一舉奪下39項產品設計獎,獲獎數再創新高。這些殊榮印證華碩追尋無與倫比之品牌精神,及以用戶為中心的設計思維備受國際肯定。

In series ExpertBook combines high performance and security with a small footprint and chassis, making these notebooks a bright choice for business representatives.