ASUS ZenWiFi AX Hybrid (XP4)

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черговий раз відмітимо ефективність та простоту використання технології AiMesh, для розгортання якої не потрібні спеціальні навички чи знання. Наявність підтримки Powerline для з’єднання вузлів є очевидною конкурентною перевагою, що дозволяє обійтися без прокладання додаткового мережевого кабелю
With Wi-Fi 6, Powerline technology, triple backhaul options, full VPN support and a whole host of ASUS features such as the free AiProtection and parental controls, there really isn’t a lot more that you could need.
Ease of use in parity with an abundance of features makes this an essential purchase. Hands-down, I've never had as great connectivity throughout my home as I do now!
A do-it-all mesh that combines Wi-Fi 6 and powerline technology
the XP4’s powerline connectivity will be useful in homes where thick walls can block conventional Wi-Fi routers.
Which leaves us with an important question. If you are going to splash out on a fancy router, do you want one that's only going to be good for a year or two or, as full-fibre becomes available to more than just those of us who live in big cities, do you want one that's going to be futureproofed for the next five or more years? If the latter, perhaps the new flagship ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AXE16000 router will be the solution you crave. It's certainly not priced for the average user, but it has so m
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